
Scara Industrial Robots


They can be applied in a wide range of industries including consumer electronics, electrical /electronics, rubber and plastic, metal fabrication and for processes such as screw driving, dispensing, assembly, load and unload, soldering, transporting and packaging .

They can be applied in a wide range of industries including consumer electronics, electrical /electronics, rubber and plastic, metal fabrication and for processes such as screw driving, dispensing, assembly, load and unload, soldering, transporting and packaging .

When matched with peripheral devices including servo systems, machine vision systems and linear modules, the highly flexible and integrated FDS SCARA not only satisfies both single devices and workstation applications, but also enables modularized production lines and multi-products production with consistently good quality.

FDS SCARA can be easily applied to production automation for higher flexibility in achieving smart and efficient production, and improving productivity, quality, and labor efficiency.

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